Come, Lord Jesus!
A Bible Study and So Much More!

Learn to Pray Like Jesus

Learn to savor His life-giving Word

Learn to cherish your glorified Lord

Learn the gift of community
Understand, Live, and share your faith.
Unite with us on a spiritual journey that will transform you into the image and likeness of Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus! is a program based on Prayer, Scripture, Eucharist, and Fellowship as in Acts 2:42. (“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.”) This program evangelizes its members in small faith communities the way Jesus did. Members meet weekly to reflect upon and discuss the Sunday Scripture readings following an unparalleled spiritual process. The rich content is replete with scriptural passages motivating spiritual growth, love for Jesus, and His word. Developed in 1969 by Father Conley Bertrand, a Catholic priest, this program is modeled after Jesus and the Early Church.
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Come, Lord Jesus! offers a wealth of resources for the purpose of ongoing spiritual growth.
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Come, Lord Jesus! has been referred to as the best method ever seen in promoting small faith communities by global comparison.

Father Bertrand’s Resources
Blessings & Endorsements
Come, Lord Jesus! has been enthusiastically endorsed by numerous priests and bishops and has received special Papal blessings by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Come, Lord Jesus! has been referred to as the best method ever seen in promoting small faith communities by global comparison.