The Church, the Bride of Christ eagerly awaiting her risen Lord’s Glorious Return

Transform your church parish!

Come, Lord Jesus! is a tremendous blessing to a church community. Members are distinguished by their love for God, for each other, and for all of God’s people. They express that love through various forms of ministry within a church parish.

The Spiritual Benefits of Bringing Come, Lord Jesus! Into Your Church Parish:

Come, Lord Jesus! Provides Solutions:

Bringing Come, Lord Jesus! Into Your Parish

Initiating a Come, Lord Jesus! program into your parish community is a simple process, free of charge, and our Outreach Ministry is available to assist you in every step. It begins by prayerfully selecting potential leaders to facilitate groups. This request is most effective when made by the parish priest. Sample letters of request and informational packets are available to distribute to each potential facilitator. After parishioners respond to your request, an orientation meeting is scheduled for the purpose of providing a familiarization to the Come, Lord Jesus! program and initiate training of facilitators. This training program is available through our Come, Lord Jesus! office.

Once leaders are trained, plans are made to invite members of your congregation into the Come, Lord Jesus! program. We recommend dedicating a specific weekend to promoting the program. Announcements to be made in parish bulletins, flyers and brochures used in your campaign, pulpit announcements, sign-in sheets, introduction videos, and new member orientation instructions are all provided by the Come, Lord Jesus! office at no cost. Please contact Marianne Hebert, Outreach Administrator, by filling out the form below to begin the process.

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