The Church, the Bride of Christ eagerly awaiting her risen Lord’s Glorious Return

Endorsements & Testimonies

Come, Lord Jesus! has been enthusiastically endorsed by numerous priests and bishops and has received special Papal blessings by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Come, Lord Jesus! has been referred to as the best method ever seen in promoting small faith communities by global comparison.

Bishop’s Endorsements


I want you to know that it was being in a Come, Lord Jesus! group that spurred my realizations that I was being called to the priesthood.

Rev. Blake Dubroc

I witnessed this beautiful group of people, all sharing, praying for and with each other and reflecting on God’s word. Each person giving their own interpretation of scripture helped me to open my mind and my heart. It allowed me to experience the teachings of the Bible from others’ perspectives, and not just my own.

Anna Walker

The Come, Lord Jesus! program has helped me to learn more about our Lord and the love he has for all of us. It feeds us with the knowledge and confidence to go out as the disciples did and spread his word. Thank you, Father Conley for saying “YES” not only to the priesthood but to God’s plan for Come, Lord Jesus!

Chris Marceaux

The final step of Come, Lord Jesus! is the actual Sunday Mass when I hear the priest’s interpretation of our reading. These three steps: (1) Individual Study (2) Group study and discussion and (3) Our Priest’s sermon on the word truly give me a deeper understanding of the Bible and how Bible-based our Catholic faith truly is!

Suzanne Broussard Belanger

I find myself paying more attention to homilies now, because I want to hear what the priest or deacon have to say about the Gospel. Sometimes I hear myself saying, “That’s exactly what we discussed at our meeting!” Gospels make so much more sense now!

David Cook

Come, Lord Jesus! is a beautiful program that helps keep the fire going inside of me. What I love most, is the special prayer time we share, the deep, meaningful discussions. of the Bible readings, and all of our personal witness stories. We have such a good time too. Above all, we truly feel God’s presence with us at each meeting. When it’s all over, we all leave with a smile on our faces, feeling renewed and refreshed!

Catherine Nini

Come, Lord Jesus! has afforded an opportunity to sit around a table and discuss the words of Jesus Christ and how these words affect our lives. Through that process, we have become friends, and I have come to realize that friends made with Jesus as the focal point are always the best kind of friend!

Garret Broussard

CLJ! Men’s Group

The benefits to having Come, Lord Jesus! Bible study groups are numerous. Among them is the fact that, having reflected on the Sunday Readings, parishioners come to Mass with open and receptive hearts, eager to be active particpants in the Sacred Liturgy. There is nothing more discouraging for a priest than to celebrate Mass with a lukewarm congregation – not so with a Come, Lord Jesus! parish family. I consider myself truly blessed to have been introduced to Come, Lord Jesus! early on in my ministry, and I am grateful to God for both the personal fruits I have experienced, and the reward that comes to a pastor’s heart when he sees his parishioners growing in holiness.

Rev. Michael J. Russo

After coming to Lafayette I have understood that the method developed by Fr. Conley Bertrand, “Come, Lord Jesus!” is teh best method I have eer seen in promotin Small Faith Communities (SFC’s). Basically, SFC’s are concerned about sharing the gospel reading, praying together and sharing the witnesses they had encountered in that week. But the method evolved by Fr. Conley is unique because it has a well planned questionnaire on the gospel or other readings which enable the participants to respond well. This sharing truly prepares one to attend the Sunday Mass prayerfully and fruitfully. The references from the Catechism of the Catholic Church open wide horizons to have knowledge of the teachings of the Church. The chosen Scriptural passages for the Apostolate and Second coming of Jesus orientate the participants to examine their conscience for the commitment of the gospel theme. This method is easier than other methods found in other countries. On the whole, it gives ample opportunity to have the right encoutner of Jesus. No doubt, “Come, Lord Jesus!” is the timely instrument and God-given gift to the diocese of Lafayette to bring the laity into ministries and mission of the church as desired by Vatican Council II. By promoting “Come, Lord Jesus!” in our parishes there are greater chances to get to know the Bible, to become a praying community, to love one another and thus lead a witnessing life to the gospel values.

Father Alphonse Thainese

Fr. Thainese has been involved in promoting SFC’s in the Lafayette Diocese and the region in India; his doctoral dissertation is on “Building the Local Church with the Participation of the Laity” with a special emphasis to Small Faith Communities.