Adult Programs
The Come, Lord Jesus! program presents the Word of God and the teachings of the faith in a context of prayerful reflection within a community of Christian love.
Through weekly meetings, prayer, and scriptural study, members are formed into ardent apostolic witnesses and dedicated parish ministers. The program is based on the three-year cycle of Sunday readings. The group reflects upon one reading each week following an easy-to-follow, organized format. Members begin with the Study of the Gospels (Cycles A, B, and C), then advance to the Study of the Epistles (Cycles A, B, and C) and then to the Study of the Old Testament (Cycles A, B, and C).
Materials needed include a Catholic Bible, a Come, Lord Jesus! Member Handbook, Volume I (Be My Witness) and a Catechism of the Catholic Church. Commentaries, written by Father Bertrand, are available to assist in thoroughly understanding the readings.
Be My WitnessStudy of the Gospels (Volume I)
Love One AnotherStudy of the Epistles (Volume 2)
Give Glory to GodStudy of the Old Testament (Volume 3)
Be My Witness – Study of the Gospels (Volume I)
Jesus told His followers, “As the Father sent Me, so I send you” (Jn 19:21). “What I am telling you in the dark, you must repeat in broad daylight, and what you have heard in private, you must tell from the housetops” (Mt 10:27). These scriptures describe what an apostle is and does. He is a person sent by Jesus to speak and act as His representative. “Whoever listens to you listens to Me,” He said (Lk 10:16).
The Come, Lord Jesus! program is an invaluable tool for a continual spiritual formation. As Baptized Christians, we share the life and mission of Jesus.
Jesus himself was sent by the Father, and He, Jesus, sends us. We are all apostles. We are sent (The English word “apostle” comes from the Greek word meaning “sent.”) to spread the Kingdom of God in our own surroundings. We must announce the gospel, change our world with it, and make it live in our own daily lives.
In Volume 1, Be My Witness, we come to know the Gospel commands of the Lord himself. Because this program is centered around prayer, the Holy Eucharist, Scripture, and Christian witness, it builds and intensifies a great desire for the coming of the Kingdom of God; it also inspires us to carry out Jesus’ mission in our daily lives.
Love One Another – Study of the Epistles (Volume 2)
Volume 2, Love One Another focuses on preparing for Jesus’ coming through transforming your world with Christian love and community.
By word and deed, you try to show Christian love and bring about the unity among people for which Jesus prayed, longed, and gave his life. In this way, you hasten Jesus’ coming – you dispose of your world to invite and receive Jesus’ return in glory. You will indeed find in this new volume an inspired instrument to help you carry out Jesus’ command: “Love one another” (Jn 13:24).
This second volume will also enable you to actually experience what the much-talked-about basic Christian community is all about. It will help you and your group to merge into a fellowship of love; it will mold you all into oneness and fulfill Jesus’ prayer “that they may all be one” (Jn 17:21).
Love One Another helps you to grow in Christian love and community. The attractiveness of this goal is further strengthened by vivid texts urging you to personal reform.
Give Glory to God – Study of the Old Testament (Volume 3)
Volume 3 – Give Glory to God will remind you that giving God glory is an important element in your Christian life: “Praise God and tell everyone about the good things he has done for you so that they, too, will honor him and sing his praises. Let everyone know what God has done. Never stop praising him” (Tb 12:6-7).
In Volume 3, you will be exposed to the dynamism of the Spirit through some of the most striking Old Testament readings. In this study, you will hear proclaimed what Scripture tells us about God’s great power… and yet how he comes with tender love.
Español Volumen Programa 1
Un Estudio Bíblico – Y mucho mas!
Camine con nosotros durante la santa temporada de Cuaresma para estudiar y meditar en los Evangelios de los Domingos que nos conducen hacia la gloriosa resurrección de nuestro Señor y Salvado, Jesucristo. Reúnase semanalmente en una reunión llena de oración para que pueda profundizar su entendimiento de la vida y muerte sacrificial de Jesús y de la victoria que gano para cada uno de nosotros. Este programa de siete semanas intensificara su fe y lo llevara a comprometerse de nuevo con nuestro glorioso Señor y Redentor!
Un Tiempo para Crecer Espiritualmente
Aproveche el verdadero sentido de la cuaresma mientras crece en la santidad a través de La Jornada Cuaresmal del programa Ven, Señor Jesús! Tome parte en un formato usado por los primeros Apóstoles de Jesús, que traerá nueva vida a su Fe Católica. Este programa ortodoxo y de buen gusto espiritual, combina los elementos de Oración, Estudio sobre las Escrituras, la Eucaristía y la Comunidad Cristiana tal como fueron inspirados por el Espíritu Santo en los Hechos de los Apóstoles 2:42. Aumentara el significado y el propósito de la temporada de Cuaresma mientras usted crece en aprecio y entendimiento de la Divina misión de Jesús y la magnitud de Su caridad.
Prepárese para la celebración Pascual con una jornada espiritual que renovara su fe y transformara su vida. Crezca en su conocimiento y entendimiento del sufrimiento de Jesús por nosotros y viva una vida victoriosa para Su gloria!
¡Ven, Señor Jesus!

The Twelve Step Meeting Format
The mission of Come, Lord Jesus! is accomplished by a process of formation utilized by Jesus and the Apostles in the early Church. Based on ascetical principles, these steps were inspired by the Holy Spirit so that faithful followers of Jesus could respond to their call to holiness.
- 1. Song
- 2. Prayer
- 3. Scriptural Reading and Discussion
- 4. Spiritual/Doctrinal Reading and Discussion
- 5. Scriptural Passage Read Aloud Together
- 6. Report on How Members Witnessed Their Faith
- 7. Reports on New Members and New Groups
- 8. Business
- 9. Study of the Manual
- 10. Scriptural Passage Read Aloud Together
- 11. “Our Father” Prayed Together
- 12. Concluding Acclamation