The Church, the Bride of Christ eagerly awaiting her risen Lord’s Glorious Return

Come, Lord Jesus! is a Bible Study and So Much More!

Modeled after Jesus’ formation of the disciples (Acts 2:42) Come, Lord Jesus! utilizes group dynamics for spiritual growth and faith formation, fortifying members with the apostolic mission and re-establishing the zeal of the early Church.

Divinely inspired and uniquely designed, Come, Lord Jesus! creates an atmosphere of prayer and helps to develop an awareness of the Divine Presence as well as nurtures an ardent desire for God.

Study Materials

This inspiring program is a complete study of the Sunday Readings, including Gospels (Be My Witness), Epistles (Love One Another), and the Old Testament (Give Glory to God) in three separate volumes. Following the Liturgical Calendar and utilizing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, members grow in sanctification through prayer, Scripture, Eucharist, and Christian community.

Mission Statement

The mission of Come, Lord Jesus! is the transformation of each member into the very image and likeness of Jesus by a process of formation that includes prayer, Scripture, Eucharist, and Christian community..

The program assists its members in developing their full potential as human beings and as children of God, as well as developing a more personal relationship with Jesus. It requires a commitment to meet weekly in small Catholic faith communities where its members are formed into ardent apostolic witnesses and zealous parish ministers.


A Message From the Founder

Father Conley Bertrand

For too long now, our people have been mere passive listeners to the inspired Sunday readings to the great detriment of their sanctification. Once they leave Sunday Mass, nothing further happens. The Bible remains a closed book for so many of them. Moralizing sermons have not opened their minds to the understanding of the Scriptures. They have not been alerted to the fact that Jesus’ words are spirit and life (Jn 6:63); they do not realize that the Gospel is the power of God for their salvation, for in it is revealed the righteousness of God (Rom 1:16-17); they do not understand that faith comes from hearing (and reading) the word of Christ (Rom 10:17). Therefore, they have settled for a shallow spirituality and a culpable mediocrity.

It is precisely through the power of the word, accompanied by a warm fellowship, that our people are being attracted to other churches. They are being taught to actively seek the Lord through the Scriptures to their delight and edification. They are content to remain there, deprived of the presence and immense blessings of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

This debilitating passivity of our Catholics toward the word of God is highly reprehensible. For in that word God is speaking to them: he is calling and reaching out to them in love, with a desire to dialogue and reveal himself to them. But their passivity expresses a total disinterest in his appealing love. They seem to be hopelessly caught up in a condemnable attitude of complacent self-satisfaction.

Come, Lord Jesus! seeks to remedy that enfeebling passivity of our people. Our program motivates them to become actively engaged in studying and praying over the scriptures. It disciplines them to set time aside each week for the precious salvific endeavor of preparing for their meetings and the upcoming Sunday readings. Come, Lord Jesus! opens their minds to the understanding of the scriptures the way Jesus did (Lk 24:27, 32). Their hearts begin to burn with love for the divine Jesus in the Eucharist to whom they are consecrated through his word (Jn 17:17).

Today I am inviting you to save your people from this corrupt generation (See Acts 2:40) by forming many small faith communities the way the early Christians did as exemplified by Jesus with the Apostles. This is what Come, Lord Jesus! has been doing since 1969 with great success. Become an outreach missionary disciple for Come, Lord Jesus! and continue this important work of Jesus and his apostles.

– Fr. Conley Bertrand
Founder, Come Lord Jesus!